10.10.10 Medicine Meditation at 10 am on 10 October 2020

2020 has been an outstanding year of surprises, of trauma, of shocks, of sudden change, sudden rules, sudden regulations, sudden fears....

How have you coped with the fears? The regulations? Your relationships? How have you been triggered in your relationships with your biological family? What has really, really triggered you?

What has given you so much joy?

I Greet the Wonderfulness of you.

Let us connect to the vibration of 10.

10 is 1 and 0.

0 is the zero point, your zero balance.

1 is leadership, the unity consciousness of you - united within yourself to move forward.

So where are you right now in your life?

Are you able to smile?

The month of October is an opening month - so much is happening.

Remember, you are wonderful exactly as you are, right now.

To book your ticket for the 10.10.10 Medicine Meditation, please click here bit.ly/2Fgb4b5

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To attend a Full Moon or New Moon Alchemy Gathering, or future Numerology Meditations, please click this link: bit.ly/3eznhU1

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If you have any queries, feel free to contact Yanni on +447961044895 or handsoflightyanni@gmail.com.