Hands of Light - Membership Portal Guide (Crystal Singing Bowls)

By becoming a member, you will get:

1. Attendance to all 3 Monthly Meditations: Full Moon, New Moon and Numerology.
2. The recordings of each Meditation, direct to your email.
3. Access to the Membership Portal where all the Meditations are neatly organised, making it easy to access anyone you desire, anywhere in the world (with an internet connection).
4. Reminder emails notifying you when the next Auspicious Meditation will occur.

To become a member of the Hands of Light Membership Portal, simply click on this link: bit.ly/3NNbuTL

"There's something special about your meditations Toks Beverley Coker. You channel the energy of the universe. You explain what's coming up for us to a tee! You evoke action based on the right thing for us. There are relaxing meditations but yours are relaxing but different. I feel them. It's more of an inner body experience." Emma Whalley