The Alchemical Resurrection of Your True Self

So I ask you, what is it that you are wanting in your life?
Are you finding it easy to create what you want?
Are you finding it easy to speak your truth?
Is it easy for you to shine your light or do you fell that you're afraid?

The Alchemical Resurrection of your True Self is you being aware of what you are saying and speaking to yourself.

The Alchemical Resurrection of Your True Self is you empowering yourself to be more, it's you saying I'm ready for more and yet, you may feel, that you're not entitled to anything. You may feel disheartened, disillusioned by some words or thoughts from your mother, from a colleague, from a former partner and then you feel, that perhaps, I'm not meant to shine my light, perhaps I'm meant to be second best.

So you begin to realise that there are certain things that you are saying to yourself - beliefs that are limiting you. You have doubts, you have fears and you feel, you cannot do this, "I'm not capable - other people are capable but I'm not." And I say to you, "Yes, you are."

The Alchemical Resurrection of Your True Self enables you to anchor this power within you. It enables you and shows you ways that you can really breakthrough any doubts, breakthrough your limitation, breakthrough from your comfort zone, to really anchor with light, anchor...and breakthrough - have your own resurrection, have your own death of the old way of being, and a rebirth to a new way, a new you, a new version of you and rise, as always, like a phoenix from the flames - from the ashes.

You can do this, join me.

It's easier than you think.

Thank you.



If you have any queries, feel free to contact Yanni on +447961044895 or