Legions of Light Miracle Morning Prayers - 22 May 2020

When you get it wrong, you learn and move on. No need to feel small. Even the best people, e.g. athletes, mothers, etc. fail many times and simply get up and continue. Do not give up on yourself.

We are ONE.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is done. it is done. It is done.

8am DAILY PRAYERS Meditation on Zoom, London time.

What magic awaits you today

Welcome to the Legions of Light Prayer Group. A gathering to create a Miracle Morning.

The intention is to create YOUR Miracle Life. You start your Miracle Medicine Day with prayers, meditation, chanting, invocation, sound, etc.

TIME: We gather every morning at 8am, London time, to pray together. We work with the wonderful number 8 for infinity and great possibilities.

DURATION: 30 minutes prayer time, including 8 minutes of silence, followed by SHARING feedback, experiences, testimonials, with questions and answers.

It will be every day, till the end of May 31st 2020.

GROUP PRAYER: Each day we will have a different prayer meditation, depending on the energy of the day and the group.

PERSONAL PRAYER: If you have a prayer request, you can place the request on the zoom link if you want. Or keep it silent and private between you and Creator.

We work on ONE THING A DAY; a journey of 1000 miles takes one step.

1. ONE HEALING REQUEST for the day
2. ONE PRACTICAL ACTION to do for the day
3. ONE INTENSION for the day.
4. ONE WORD for the day.

Just One Thing a Day.

SHARING: Tag someone. Write your comments and feelings of the prayer today. Join in xxx


After registering, you will receive a confirmation message and an email containing information about joining the meeting.

DONATION: There is NO FEE. This is a donation-based service. Offer what you can. Thank you. PayPal: toks@handsoflight.co.uk

Thank you xxx


Kivare – I felt especially touched and loved when I put my hands up and felt the Legions of Light touch my hands. It was nice to experience physical touch. It was nice to take it into my heart and hara point. I am taking this to the rest of my day. Thank you.

Yanni – I realised that my path has changed from what it was before. I was so glad I got the meaning from a dream I had last night. Thank you. I enjoyed the conscious breathing during the 8 minutes of silence.

Rakesh – First time I joined in a group of healing. I would like to carry this on as it has been a lovely experience. A great way to start the day. I want to continue this practice so I can connect to my Spirit Guides more and more. Thank you from Spain.

Kalisha – I just saw your message this morning when I woke up. Nice to be a part of this. What a wonderful opportunity. I am glad I made the time to do the meditation because it was lovely. Helps to set up your day.

Yanni – I breathed the water into my 3rd eye first and then drank the water. It just happened. It was nice and cleansing.

Emily – I realise I need more specific healing after the silence and the meditation. Thank you. Can I have a session with you? After prayer, I feel very grounded. Water has a metallic taste today.

Marlene – My first time here. 3am in New York. I just feel so peaceful. Thank you very much.

I look forward to us praying together.

Love Always

Toks xxx

Click here to book your place for the Legions of Light Morning Prayers: bit.ly/2yZxYQz

Blog: www.tokscoker.com/toks-blog/

Web: www.tokscoker.com

If you have any queries, feel free to contact Yanni on +447961044895 or handsoflightyanni@gmail.com.